Cheat Sheet

Welcome to my various hacking techniques cheat sheet. This page contains a list of various techniques used in hacking and penetration testing.

Please note that the techniques listed on this page are for educational and ethical purposes only. Misuse of any information provided here is strictly prohibited.

The techniques are organized by category, such as network hacking, web application hacking, and wireless hacking. Each technique includes a brief description and links to resources for further reading.

To get started, click on one of the links on the left toc to navigate to the relevant category:

Web App


  • Always check for error messages
  • Once you get that you can figure out the backend database(not always the default)

Sql Injection

Nosql injection

You can try pass a variable


or you can convert to json under content type

Content-Type: application/json

then fix payload so that it is in json format


You can also use || which is an or statement. Pay attention to ==


Active Directory

Enumerate smb

Run cme to get some type of a burner

cme smb 'ip'

try listing shares

cme smb 'ip' --shares

Trying null authentication

cme smb 'ip' --shares -u '' -p ''

if that fails we can try anonymous authentication by putting anything on the username which if it does not exist falls back to anonymous

cme smb 'ip' --shares -u 'DoesNotExist' -p ''

If you get a shared folder you can connect to it via smbclient

smbclient -N //$share

the reason we dont include a username is because if you dont put a username it attempts to authenticate with the current username of your box

If we have a credential

  • We could use it for ldapsearch as below:
ldapsearch -h support.htb -D 'ldap@support.htb' -w 'password' -b 'dc=support,dc=htb' > ldap.out

From the above example

 -h for hostname
 -D bind distinguish name
 -w for password
 -b for root domain - this is just how ldap refers to it ( the actual domain is support.htb)

Check for attribute fields like info or description